
Grandmother Olympics

I just finished watching the Winter Olympics in Seoul. They were exhilarating, emotional, and exhausting. Kind of reminds me of grandparenting. We’re expecting a grandchild to be born this week, and I’m already trying to imagine what this little human, who is already so cherished, will bring to our family. I’ve loved watching how my […]
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My Office is a Disaster

From working at home for the past sixteen months, to getting a new electric piano for my birthday that HAD to be housed here, to tearing up the place to get reorganized, my home office suddenly looks like the inside of my mind – scattered, cluttered, and hopelessly chaotic. Now, I’m no disciple of Marie […]
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In God We Trust

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.               Psalm 90: 1 Sometimes when I read scripture, it seems like particular verses are written in light. That’s how it was today with this verse. The beginning of Psalm 90 is similar to the beginning of the next psalm, […]
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Grandmother Olympics

I just finished watching the Winter Olympics in South Korea. They were exhilarating, emotional, and exhausting. Kind of reminds me of grandparenting. We’re expecting a grandchild to be born this week, and I’m already trying to imagine what this little human, who is already so cherished, will bring to our family. I’ve loved watching how […]
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The Evangelical Stereotype

It all started at a week-long, “non-Christian” writing workshop. By that I mean it wasn’t advertised as a “Christian” writing conference which is what I had always attended before. I’d been searching for a conference closer to home, and this is what turned up. So I went and was surrounded by 15 of the smartest […]
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Who Knew?

Years ago, when I was a youngster I would get depressed around the holidays. Partially it was because I had an untreated depression, but I was also extremely sensitive to the hardships of others, especially during the holidays when people are “supposed to be happy.” Anytime I heard a news report about suffering people, the […]
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Shepherd’s Pie

Years ago I made this concoction I called Shepherd’s Pie. It wasn’t actually Shepherd’s Pie. It was some kind of mashed potato-topped meatloaf. But I didn’t know that. Or maybe I did. Anyway, I served it to my family around twice a month, and they loved it. Fast forward to last night. Every week we […]
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Passwords and Glass Birds

The other day I was complaining to my husband about the problem of passwords. Obviously this is a first world problem, but it irritates those of us over a certain age because we didn’t have to deal with passwords when we were young unless it was the password to some kid’s clubhouse. Instead we worried […]
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