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Life for Grace Maddox was a series of the same ol' same ol' until she flipped over the handlebars of her bike on the way home from work and ended up with a concussion.
That's when the dreams began.
Quiet dreams. Shimmering dreams. Cold dreams. Dreams of water... always water... a deep pool of water... a waterfall...
And something in the water, at the bottom of the pool.
A dead body with her face.
That's when Grace would wake up screaming.
Of course, they were just dreams, probably brought on by the concussion...right?
Or could they be a warning?

A Hill Country Christmas: Truths for Troubled Trails

A Hill Country Christmas: Truths for Troubled Trails is a collection of 13 holiday tales representing the varied cultures and communities of the Texas Hill Country. Eight authors, each with their own distinct style, bring historical events to life in these heartwarming stories about the blessings of Christmas and truths that transcend time. In every era it’s been said that “man is born to trouble as surely as the sparks fly upward,” but these inspirational stories from Christmases past reassure us there will always be truths we can trust.

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